Pre-reality Studio presents: pre-created house walkthrough.

Want to build house for you and your family, a real family nest?

Already have the place for it, good project and even 3d model but not sure still, will your house be really convenient for you and your family or no?

We offer the SOLUTION!

We’ll create the full 3D virtual environment based on your house 3D models. You’ll walk in that 3D environment and observe your future house from outside…

Outdoor image 1 Outdoor image 2

…and inside.

Living room1 Living room2
Kitchen Childs room

In real time. On astronomically correct sun & moon lights. With day or electric light. In photorealistic environment.

Morning Night, electric light
Morning Bedroom, night, electric light
Bedroom2 Bedroom1
Other bedroom, early morning One more bedroom, day

If you are interested in feel free please to

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